Waiting With Grace

by Jasmine B. Suiza "You stand in the line just to hit a new low... You’re faking a smile with the coffee you go…” I curled my upper lip in exasperation as I see the long queues some ten meters from where I got off the jeepney. Not my day again. I turned my head from left to right searching the last row for my shuttle ride to BGC. As usual . It’s 6:45 AM. My job is supposed to start at 8:00 AM and there are at least five lines that I have to overcome to catch the trip to our office. “Cause you had a bad day... You’re taking one down... You sing a sad song just to turn it around…” I watched as co-rushers with familiar faces brisk walk towards the lines. Knowing that this would take more than a while, I diverted my almost-bad day into a more optimistic one. I flipped the first few pages of a devotional book that I brought to keep me occupied during instances like these. “ Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compas...