I am Catholic.

I am Catholic.

Jasmine B. Suiza / September 3, 2017

"Why do you worship Mary?"
"Why do you pray the rosary? It is not found in the bible."
"Why do you worship the statue?"

These are some of the statements I continue to hear from our brothers and sisters who practice their faith differently. As a Roman Catholic, I had my fair share of persecution – just as Jesus' apostles were persecuted during their time.

When faith becomes the center of discussion, colleagues, acquaintances, and other friends sometimes SEEM to misunderstand Catholicism. Others think Catholics are so full of idolatry and "that-is-not-found-in-the-bible" practices.

Being a Catholic in a Catholic country looks easy – we can avail the sacraments, join religious organizations, worship our God anytime and anywhere – but defending our Catholic faith to others is not a piece of cake.

Just in time, the CFC - Singles For Christ Metro Manila held a Regional Conference themed "Eimai Katholikos" last August 25 – 27, 2017 at University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City. The 3-day conference centered its discussion in standing firm in the Catholic faith.

Day 1:
The first session entitled Splendor of Our Faith tackled about the strong pillars of Catholicism and how beautiful our one, holy, catholic and apostolic church is.
This session also introduced the different personalities that we encounter in our faith journey.

Day 2:
The CFC-SFC community spread “RAK” or Random Acts of Kindness to the people of Naga City. Small gestures of genuine love truly make a big difference!

The Live Catholic session on Apologetics validated the biblical bases of the many different practices and doctrines held by our religion. Here, we were reminded that Catholic beliefs are not just mere "gawa gawa” or “imbento" but actually hold biblical truths.

The second session entitled Life of Virtue explained the four Cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. These virtues remind us to live a life that is aligned to God’s call to His followers – a life of service and holiness.

Day 3
The third session entitled Taking a Stand affirmed our roles as Singles For Christ and as Catholics. As members of the community, we are responsible in proclaiming our Catholic faith not just to our families and friends, but also to non-believers.

Truly, a weekend with the Lord is a weekend well-spent.

After the conference, I will:

C-ontinue to learn about Catholicism through books, formations and seminars
A-vail regularly the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
T-reat others with love, respect and humility, Catholics and non-Catholics alike
H-onor Catholic teachings and creeds
O-bey my leaders in the community
L-ove the flaws and imperfections of other Catholics
I-nspire non-believers to get to know Catholicism
C-ommit to my covenant of a deep relationship with God

All of these realizations reminded me to always be proud of my Catholic faith.
Whoever I talk to, whatever the circumstances, whenever I have the chance…

I will always proclaim:

I am SFC.

I am Catholic.

*Photos from: https://www.facebook.com/CFC-SFC-Metro-Manila


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