Disconnect to connect

Jasmine B. Suiza / Oct 14, 2018

Have you ever found yourself checking your cellphone for every notification sound from facebook, messenger and viber?
Ako, oo.

With every bell, honk or knock, we can reach out to our family, acquiantances - and even the world.

Growing up with an OFW father, I remembered waiting for my Papa's voice tape, wherein he has to compress 8 months worth of stories and experiences... Not to mention the unending bilin like "Jasmine mag-aral kang mabuti." or "Magpakabait ka kay Mama."

Fast forward to 2018, Papa and Mama can talk and see each other everyday through facebook messenger - all thanks to technology.

With just a click, everything becomes faster and easier. Need to watch shows or movies? No need to rent VHS or betamax - there's youtube. Need to go somewhere? Book and buy your tickets online.

You and I may be connected through the power of technology.
But, are we still rooted to our source of blessings and love? 

Are we still connected with Jesus?

We invest in the latest gadgets,
but do we invest in the treasures of heaven?
We follow famous online personalities,
but do we follow Jesus and His ways?
We read the trending news,
but do we read the bible?
We spend 2 hours a day to watch our favorite KDrama or anime,
but do we spend time to listen and reflect?
We find time to answer our facebook messages,
but do we have time to talk to Jesus in prayer?

Disconnect to connect.

Just woke up? Offer your day to Jesus.
Stuck in traffic jam? Use the bible app.
Finished browsing your news feed? Pray and reflect.

Like an online friend, you can talk to Jesus instantly!
Just open up your heart and let Him in!

"So, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted in him and built upon him and established in the faith as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
- Colossians 2:6-7

May we be able to disconnect to the internet to connect to what and who really matters.


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