
Showing posts from February, 2022

It's Okay.

Credits: All photos from Canva

Kulang Ka.

  Credits: All photos from Canva

A Thief Called Comparison (An Update)

Jasmine B. Suiza February 13, 2022 " My batchmate gave birth to her second baby!" "Wow! My friend just got married!" "He's so young yet he got a new house!" “Summer body goals! She lost a lot of weight!" These are the thoughts running through my head while I see my friends' social media posts. Am I happy? Yes. I am happy as I see them accomplish their goals one by one. Am I jealous? I won't deny. Their accomplishments are the same dreams that I hope to reach too. Most of my life, I am comparing myself to other people. It's as if my self-worth is dependent on them. Because of this, I have the tendency to be always competitive. With my batchmates and friends, at work, and even with my service - I always want to do my best. Being competitive is not wrong per se, most especially if there's a valid reason. But sometimes, I find myself being tempted by Satan. Because he knows my weaknesses, he attacks me by making me feel envious about o...