A Thief Called Comparison (An Update)

Jasmine B. Suiza
February 13, 2022

"My batchmate gave birth to her second baby!"
"Wow! My friend just got married!"
"He's so young yet he got a new house!"
“Summer body goals! She lost a lot of weight!"

These are the thoughts running through my head while I see my friends' social media posts.

Am I happy? Yes.
I am happy as I see them accomplish their goals one by one.

Am I jealous? I won't deny.
Their accomplishments are the same dreams that I hope to reach too.

Most of my life, I am comparing myself to other people. It's as if my self-worth is dependent on them. Because of this, I have the tendency to be always competitive. With my batchmates and friends, at work, and even with my service - I always want to do my best.

Being competitive is not wrong per se, most especially if there's a valid reason. But sometimes, I find myself being tempted by Satan. Because he knows my weaknesses, he attacks me by making me feel envious about other people’s material possessions, relationship status, career, or even physical characteristics.

I learned that by always comparing myself to others, I am robbing myself of the real joy that I should be experiencing in life.

Instead of counting the accomplishments of others, I will start counting my own blessings. I will be genuinely happy with the gifts that God bestows upon me, may it be big or small.

Even St. Paul reminded the Hebrews to be always content:
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

I have a happy family, a thriving career, and a healthy relationship with God. During moments of discontentment, I remind myself on how I earnestly prayed for the things that I have now. Because of this, I feel a sense of gratitude and joy, knowing that God indeed answers our heartfelt prayers in His most perfect timing.

Don’t give Satan the opportunity to discourage you from doing your purpose in life. The society will always be a place full of comparison. Don’t be afraid, though each and every one is unique, God looks at us with fairness and equality because we are all His children.

In the end, as Charles R. Swindoll puts it, “When the Lord makes it clear you're to follow Him in this new direction, focus fully on Him and refuse to be distracted by comparisons with others."


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